Exploring the Japanese aesthetic of “Wabi-Sabi”
The Stonnington Community Uniting Church returns to its “5th Sunday” Cafe Church. Join Rev. Chris Page, Alison Tokita and their guest as they discuss and explore the Japanese aesthetic of “Wabi-Sabi”. This informal style of church will consider the concepts of simplicity, poverty, and the beauty of imperfection. It will include a performance of shakuhachi (bamboo flute) music by Lindsay Dugan and some Japanese sweets for the adventurous.
- Rev. Chris Page
- Lindsay Dugan ( professional shakuhachi player)
- Wagashi (sweets) and green tea
- Brought together by Alison Tokita
Advanced Reading for the Curious
If you would like some background reading on Wabi-Sabi, this article is really helpful
You may also be interested in: Something for the Spirit or Yukari Echo