Musical Society of Victoria – Malvern Centrevery young child playing violin

The Malvern Centre is one of six MSV locations across Melbourne. Located at Stonnington Community Uniting Church in Burke Road, Malvern East,  the Society offers regular concerts for emerging musicians to experience live performing in front of an audience.

A Short History of the MSV

The Musical Society of Victoria (MSV) was established in 1861 to present concerts, to protect the rights of musicians, and to further music education. The MSV had a very important role in shaping and supporting the growth of instrumental music in Victoria in those early days. [As a reference point – the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic was founded just 8 years earlier in 1853, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra not until 1906]

Aim of the Society

 – the general advancement of musical art –

The basic aim of the Society , that is “the general advancement of musical art” has remained the same ever since. Currently in 2024, there are six centres across Melbourne offering regular concerts. The concerts allow young musicians to attend and perform, while providing listening opportunities to the members of the Society and the general public.

MSV Awards & Prizes

The MSV also offers a series of annual awards and competitions. The prize winners’ concerts are often held at the Stonnington Community Uniting Church.

2024 MSV – Malvern Centre Concert Dates:young girl playing piano

The Malvern Centre is a terrific venue for young musicians to perform. It’s rehearsal, performing spaces and catering facilities make it ideal for the MSV concerts.

  • Sunday the 9th of June at 2:30 pm and 4pm
    • The 2.30pm concert runs from 2.30 – 3.30pm for younger performers or less advanced students.
    • The 4.00pm concert starts at 4.00pm and usually runs for 90 minutes. These participants are generally older and the repertoires more advanced.
  • Friday the 12th of July at 6:30pm
    • This concert is a special, additional soiree for young children who are new to MSV and want to experience performing in front of audiences. We welcome anyone who is AMEB grade 6 and under to come and perform. The concert is an evening event and runs from 6.30 – 8.00pm (depending upon how many players sign up). There is a modest fee for the audience for this soiree event.
  • Sunday the 11th August at 2:30pm and 4pm
  • Sunday the 8th September at 2:30pm and 4pm
  • Sunday the 10th November at 2:30pm and 4pm

More Information:

You may also be interested in the Stonnington Community Uniting Church Instrumental Ensemble