Special Interest Groups
Something For The Spirit…
….is a group of spiritual explorers and seekers that meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 5 – 7 pm in a home over food and drink for open conversation and sharing of our doubts and hopes, our questions and our ideas about what it means to be human living the sacred life.
- When is the Meeting: 3rd Sunday on the Month
- Time: 5-7 pm
- Where: The Location varies.
If you are interested in visiting to experience or to find out more, please contact us
Common Threads
…..is a creative, crafting group of people who combine a monthly social get-together with making things. These items are distributed through Kogo. The skill sets include knitting, crocheting, sewing, collaboration, and great humour.
- Meetings: 4th Thursday of the Month
- Time: 10.00 – 12.00 noon
- Place: Stonnington Community Uniting Church (Burke Rd)
- More Information
…Progressive Christian Network of Victoria meets at the Stonnington Church on the 4th Sunday of each month ….a group committed to: Open Minds ..welcoming new scholarship, Open Hearts…exploring emerging Christianity and Open Hands…focussing on compassion and justice
- When: 4th Sunday at 3.00pm
- Where: Stonnington Community Uniting Church, Burke Road, East Malvern
- More Information
- A beginner’s view
The Fellowship Opportunity Table
…a group of fabulous folk who enjoy ‘doing for others’ which culminates in the legendary and sometimes unexpected ‘Opportunity Table’. Home baking is snapped up together with homemade jam. Handmade crafts round out the offerings for sale. The ‘Op Table’ has proved to be a most successful fund-raiser for a range of causes.
- When: 3rd Sunday of the month (March – November)
- What time: After Sunday Service (about 11.30am)
- Where: The Hall (57 Burke Road, East Malvern)
Church Choir
…a small group who sing mainly traditional church music one Sunday Service per month plus the Christmas Carol Service. Organist and choirmaster Colin Jenkin
- When do we meet: One Sunday of the month
- What time: Generally 9.30 am
- Where: Stonnington Church (Burke Road)
- More Information
Sammy Stamp
…. Used and unused postage stamps are transformed into dollars and then donated to good causes. Tens of thousands of dollars are raised annually. Donations of stamps are welcome via Stonnington Community Uniting Church..
- How to donate your stamps:
- Leave them with Jane in the Office on Weekdays (am)
- Or put them in the Box outside the Kitchen on Sundays
- More information?
- Come to morning tea, after Service, someone can help you.
Cafe Catch-up
… an informal gathering over coffee in a local cafe. We never know where the conversation is going to take us! No need to book ahead, but please place your order and pay at the counter.
- When do we meet: Second Tuesday of the month
- At what time: 2.00pm – 3.00pm
- Where do we meet: Mr Sister Cafe 81 Waverley Road Malvern East
Library & Book Chat
….discussions (sometimes heated) on a range of books, covering Christian faith, biographies, spiritual journeys and social justice
- When do we meet? Usually every 2nd month
- What time? 10.30 am
- And the location? Margaret McKinnon Room
- More information? Contact Jane in the Office
- More about the Library
Cooking for a Cause
….sometimes it’s about morning tea, maybe it’s lunch or it might be selling some jars of jam to raise dollars for a charity. Or would you like some of Michael’s Secret Recipes?..
- When do we meet? Often after Sunday Service
- What time? Around 11.30 am
- And the location? In the Church Kitchen
- More information? Come to morning tea, after Service, someone can help you
- More about Cooking for a Cause
Finding what you are Looking for?
If you have any questions please Get in Touch
More About Fellowship Groups