Never too young or too old to join the Peoples’ ChoirPeoples Choir Logo in purple

The Peoples’ Choir provides a social and cultural opportunity for singers from across Melbourne and Victoria. We meet together on a Tuesday evening at the Stonnington Community Uniting Church, East Malvern and sing a dynamic mix of Rock, Pop, Gospel and Folk music. Bettina Spivakovsky is the musical director of this diverse choir, now numbering over 50 members.

Singers and Values of the Peoples’ Choir

The Choir’s values are centred around building self-esteem and delivering a musical program that is achievable for people of all ages and from diverse socio-economic groups. All ages, abilities, nationalities and religions are welcome as we sing and share the joy of music. Inclusion, community spirit and compassion are the strengths upon which our musical activity is built.

No Auditions, No JudgementsPeoples Choir Rehearsal at Stonnington Community Uniting Church

There are no auditions and no judgements as we are certain that everyone has a voice, a unique voice, that needs to be heard. We embrace the sense of accomplishment that each session together brings and celebrate the feelings of trust and support that grow as individuals, the group and the music develop.

If you love to sing but are afraid to sing in front of others, don’t worry, we get it. You don’t need to read music, we happily learn by listening! Believe it or not, it is that easy to become a part of something special and be someone special,  in your neighbourhood

A broad range of Music

There is no shortage of diversity in the music we sing. Do you have a favourite music style or would you like to test yourself on a style you have heard on the radio? Our repertoire changes regularly. Rock, Pop, Gospel, and Folk music are on our singing list. Perhaps you prefer classic hits or something more contemporary? What about light classic Folk or even Dance? Or would you prefer more traditional church music in a smaller choir? There is surely something that will appeal to your taste.

When and where does the Peoples’ Choir meet?

The Choir meets at the hall at Stonnington Community Uniting Church (formerly Ewing Memorial), at 59 Burke Road, Malvern East (corner Coppin Street), every Tuesday evening from 7.00pm to 8.30pm.

Peoples Choir Performance at Stonnington Church

Are there fees to join the People’s Choir?

Your first visit to a Tuesday evening session/class is completely FREE. If you decide to join the Peoples’ Choir regularly ( and we hope you do) there are fees to help cover expenses

We invite you to come along for a sing with us. You will be made to feel welcome by a wonderful group of people. Lean into the fear, and get ready to laugh, meet new people who also have a love of music. Still not sure? Put on your sunglasses, be curious and drop into the Peoples’ Choir